Clutter may creep in or it may just seem to multiply overnight. Whichever the case, it’s a red flag for an insecurity you’re not dealing with … Continue Reading
Clutter may creep in or it may just seem to multiply overnight. Whichever the case, it’s a red flag for an insecurity you’re not dealing with … Continue Reading
Financial peace of mind is every woman’s goal. (More than abundance, even.) So how can you start TODAY on the path to reaching it? Continue Reading
They say girls can’t add. But if you buy into that myth, you may just be keeping yourself from controlling your money and reaching financial freedom. Continue Reading
Scarcity is taught in the most innocent way, and yet it stays with you the rest of your life. Unless you know how to release the belief. Continue Reading
Suze Orman sat quietly on stage this week in her butter yellow jacket, asking all the right questions: What about me? Do I matter enough to myself? Continue Reading
Your money, like anything else in your life, can suffer from mixed messaging: you say you want one thing and you do another. This might explain why… Continue Reading
As adults, we either reflect or reject what we saw our parents doing. And sometimes we live hidden (and not-so-helpful) vows to one or the other … Continue Reading
It’s so hard to ask! But why is that? What are we afraid of? It’s amazing that we’ll deny ourselves … and others … of valuable opportunities because of twisted beliefs around asking. Continue Reading
There’s no real secret to the energy of money. Yet we imbue it with all sorts of power … invent countless obstacles … instead of letting it flow. Continue Reading
R.I.P., Sandy. At times life seems to be humming along. We get caught up in the day-to-day. And then something wakes us up from our distracted stupor. Continue Reading