You can try wrestling your pesky finances so they’re under control, or you can live in chaos. Trust me, control is best. Continue Reading
You can try wrestling your pesky finances so they’re under control, or you can live in chaos. Trust me, control is best. Continue Reading
The privilege of a long life: if lucky enough to reach old age, it’s up to us how we spend those years. How richly or how poorly. Continue Reading
Hmmm. The Forbes Top 100 Websites For Women … What the heck? In life as in your finances, you can’t win if you don’t try! Continue Reading
Retirement won’t be like before: one door closing, then another opening. It will be a continuum. So why not start now? Continue Reading
Are you ready for retirement? Do your retirement dreams match your retirement plans … and the funding you’ll need to make them come true? Continue Reading
To be financially free, you need to be comfortable with all three aspects of money. Anything less and you won’t thrive. Come see what they are … Continue Reading
Decluttering: how do you decide want stays and what goes? Or don’t you even think about it? (You should: cluttered house = cluttered mind.) Continue Reading
Financial panic sets in around menopause if a woman doesn’t have her finances under control. Why is that and how does it work? Continue Reading
Reaching financial independence can be complicated … or you can take the quick and dirty path to freedom. Take your pick. Continue Reading
On Mother’s Day, reflect on what lessons you learned from your mother … or taught your daughter … about money. Time for thanks? Or forgiveness? Continue Reading