Financial peace of mind is every woman’s goal. (More than abundance, even.) So how can you start TODAY on the path to reaching it? Continue Reading
Financial peace of mind is every woman’s goal. (More than abundance, even.) So how can you start TODAY on the path to reaching it? Continue Reading
Suze Orman sat quietly on stage this week in her butter yellow jacket, asking all the right questions: What about me? Do I matter enough to myself? Continue Reading
As adults, we either reflect or reject what we saw our parents doing. And sometimes we live hidden (and not-so-helpful) vows to one or the other … Continue Reading
Last week I wrote about Playing Small. This week I tell you how you can Play Big … the exact steps to take … and why it’s so important that you do. Continue Reading
Savings accounts: who’d ever think they could turn I-hate-even-thinking-about-finances women into in-control, masters of their financial futures? Continue Reading
Holiday shopping: a time when good cheer and exuberance can get the best of us all. All I can say is “Let’s be careful out there.” Continue Reading
Overspending is a very visible money behavior. People laugh about it, but it’s no laughing matter. It can destroy credit, marriages, families and more. Continue Reading
Prince Charming hibernates in our subconscious minds, just waiting for a chance to knock us off our footing of self-responsibility. Don’t let him! Continue Reading
Widows make up 14 percent of women between 20 and 64. And too many didn’t know enough about their finances. Don’t risk being in that vulnerable spot. Continue Reading
‘Relationship with Money’ for couples? I never would have expected the workshop to be such a major game-changer for them too! Continue Reading