Compulsive shopping habits can creep up on you. This may be a perfect time to check on whether your buying habits are healthy, or could use a closer look. Continue Reading
Compulsive shopping habits can creep up on you. This may be a perfect time to check on whether your buying habits are healthy, or could use a closer look. Continue Reading
Blindsided … not something I want for you or for me. But how do we avoid it? We take our heads out of the sand, look at our lives and get real. Continue Reading
Some hide behind kabuki makeup. Others behind busy-ness. But if your business isn’t a real business, do yourself a favor: go get a job. Continue Reading
Personal responsibility is now a hackneyed phrase that has lost its meaning. With today’s fast-paced changes and uncertainty, it’s time for something new. Continue Reading
Ode to selfishness: I expect blowback on this one. When I say selfishness is critical for personal responsibility and that it’s proof of self-love, whoa! Continue Reading
Financial fear can derail all your best intentions. It paralyzes, distracts or distorts. But these five steps will turn it to mush. Scouts honor. Continue Reading
Financial security may mean getting off the hamster wheel. But what if you’re not even aware that you’re on one? Time to take a closer look … Continue Reading
Say deficit and national debt, and eyes glaze over. But knowing what it could mean to you and your loved ones, you might want to understand it better. This little explanation might help. Continue Reading
Reaching financial peace of mind is often a marathon and we may need to forgive ourselves for acting up. But just put your marathon shoes back on … Continue Reading
Financial stupidity visits every one of us at some point. So how do we best deal with it? Learn the lesson, forgive ourselves and let it go. Next! Continue Reading