To be financially free, you need to be comfortable with all three aspects of money. Anything less and you won’t thrive. Come see what they are … Continue Reading
To be financially free, you need to be comfortable with all three aspects of money. Anything less and you won’t thrive. Come see what they are … Continue Reading
On Mother’s Day, reflect on what lessons you learned from your mother … or taught your daughter … about money. Time for thanks? Or forgiveness? Continue Reading
Stuff. We buy it, cherish it, go into debt for it. Once we’re gone, our heirs realize that it’s worth nothing. Maybe we need to realize that today. Continue Reading
You’re worried about financial security. You’ve actually saved up a bit of a nest egg. Now what the heck do you do with it? Continue Reading
Eilene Zimmerman is a business writer and a feminist. But when it came to her own money, she made a big mistake. Continue Reading
What does financial security have to do with childhood memories? Everything! Continue Reading
No one is perfect. Especially when it comes to money. For financial education to be perfectly targeted, let’s switch roles for just this one time! Continue Reading
Pushing money away, or repelling money, relates mostly to the “money is bad” maxim. There’s a major confusion between what money is and what it can do. Continue Reading
Women who refuse to deal with their money, starting with the pile of unopened statements, face just one of the 12 destructive money behaviors. Is this you? Continue Reading