” I deserve it ” is a phrase that can sabotage even the greatest of spending plans. So how can you shift your perspective to end its stranglehold on you? Continue Reading
” I deserve it ” is a phrase that can sabotage even the greatest of spending plans. So how can you shift your perspective to end its stranglehold on you? Continue Reading
The cost of inflation is way higher than you’ve been led to believe. Like a thief in the night, it robs you of buying power and nibbles at your savings … Continue Reading
Five big life expenses make up the lion’s share of the money you’ll be spending over your lifetime. Do you know which they are? And just how big they are? Continue Reading
Net worth has nothing to do with self worth. Instead it’s the judgment-free number that tells you if your finances are headed in the right direction or not. Continue Reading
Budget phobia is what happens when someone is too terrified to even consider creating one. Yet it’s crazy. A budget is exactly what can save your finances. Continue Reading
Needs and wants: we’ve confused the heck out of the difference between the two. And that confusion keeps us from realizing our power over our own money. Continue Reading
Gifting money to a child may be seen as a yucky gift when they’re young, but they’ll love you when they’re older and need the funds. You’ll be their hero. Continue Reading
Financial control isn’t hard to achieve, but it’s hard to get started. Yet once started, it takes on a life of its own. Here’s some help … Continue Reading
The tax man only becomes your enemy if you don’t do your homework. Before the year ends, here are three little tasks that should keep you out of trouble. Continue Reading
Killing the Joneses may be the best way to get back to financial sanity. Or else, far too many people will continue to lie to themselves about their money. Continue Reading