Financial peace of mind is what we all crave. Here’s what Dr. Phil showed me: an easy way to figure out why we don’t have it yet. Continue Reading
Financial peace of mind is what we all crave. Here’s what Dr. Phil showed me: an easy way to figure out why we don’t have it yet. Continue Reading
Blindsided … not something I want for you or for me. But how do we avoid it? We take our heads out of the sand, look at our lives and get real. Continue Reading
The money messages we get as kids come from what we see and hear. What ones do you think you got … and what ones are you passing on to your children? Continue Reading
Savings accounts for emergencies will erase that gut-wrenching, vulnerable feeling. They’ll empower you and build your money confidence … Continue Reading
Your mindset needs certain characteristics for you to be financially free. Without them, it’s a tough road … if not impossible. Do you have them? Continue Reading
Financial peace of mind is every woman’s goal. (More than abundance, even.) So how can you start TODAY on the path to reaching it? Continue Reading
They say girls can’t add. But if you buy into that myth, you may just be keeping yourself from controlling your money and reaching financial freedom. Continue Reading
Scarcity is taught in the most innocent way, and yet it stays with you the rest of your life. Unless you know how to release the belief. Continue Reading
As adults, we either reflect or reject what we saw our parents doing. And sometimes we live hidden (and not-so-helpful) vows to one or the other … Continue Reading
There’s no real secret to the energy of money. Yet we imbue it with all sorts of power … invent countless obstacles … instead of letting it flow. Continue Reading