Financial choices sometimes mean not getting everything you want. It depends on where you are with your long-range savings goals. So where are you? Continue Reading
Financial choices sometimes mean not getting everything you want. It depends on where you are with your long-range savings goals. So where are you? Continue Reading
Say deficit and national debt, and eyes glaze over. But knowing what it could mean to you and your loved ones, you might want to understand it better. This little explanation might help. Continue Reading
Getting debt free is simple, but not necessarily easy. Unless you decide it’s what you truly want. Then it’s just one good decision after another … Continue Reading
Reaching financial peace of mind is often a marathon and we may need to forgive ourselves for acting up. But just put your marathon shoes back on … Continue Reading
Financial peace of mind calls for four key elements. Here are seven questions that will tell you if you’re on track to someday sleep like a baby … Continue Reading
Avoidance … something we all do … but when it goes beyond just preparing ourselves to deal with something tough, it takes on a power all its own! Continue Reading
Life’s difficult topics somehow get pushed into a corner, ranking right there with root canals. But here’s a way to open the discussion with friends. Continue Reading
Financial change is successful when head and heart are both engaged. The metaphor of the Rider and the Elephant describes potential outcomes best. Continue Reading
Financial independence is still achievable, despite the economic malaise. But you’ll have to look for it in new places. And make other changes, too. Continue Reading
Your mindset needs certain characteristics for you to be financially free. Without them, it’s a tough road … if not impossible. Do you have them? Continue Reading