Debt and spending: ever wonder how we got in the financial jam we’re in today? Are you willing to go on a little economics journey with me? Continue Reading
Debt and spending: ever wonder how we got in the financial jam we’re in today? Are you willing to go on a little economics journey with me? Continue Reading
Money Mastery Makeover was a hit! And because several people asked to access the first session, I set up this special page. Continue Reading
Five things make a monumental difference in a woman’s life. They may not sound too sexy, but they’re the pillars of the peace of mind we all crave. Continue Reading
You can try wrestling your pesky finances so they’re under control, or you can live in chaos. Trust me, control is best. Continue Reading
You’re worried about financial security. You’ve actually saved up a bit of a nest egg. Now what the heck do you do with it? Continue Reading
What will ‘they’ think? That little question has tripped up more people on their journey to financial security. Here’s why… Continue Reading
First, personal responsibility lost the battle to Prince Charming. Now it’s taken a back seat to entitlement and desire. So why does that matter? Continue Reading
Whether you’re moving up or down in life, it’s critical to know about “financial neighborhoods” and financial comfort zones. Then you can be prepared for whatever comes … Continue Reading
Women who refuse to deal with their money, starting with the pile of unopened statements, face just one of the 12 destructive money behaviors. Is this you? Continue Reading
Before you can get your finances under control … then go on to achieve financial security … the most important first step is to silence your head chatter. Let me show you how! Continue Reading