These financial thoughts should be front and center, whenever you pull the lever in a voting booth. No politics here. Just which numbers matter most. Continue Reading
These financial thoughts should be front and center, whenever you pull the lever in a voting booth. No politics here. Just which numbers matter most. Continue Reading
Say deficit and national debt, and eyes glaze over. But knowing what it could mean to you and your loved ones, you might want to understand it better. This little explanation might help. Continue Reading
Getting debt free is simple, but not necessarily easy. Unless you decide it’s what you truly want. Then it’s just one good decision after another … Continue Reading
Avoidance … something we all do … but when it goes beyond just preparing ourselves to deal with something tough, it takes on a power all its own! Continue Reading
The New Entrepreneur: America’s best shot at jumpstarting the economy lies with the masses of people trying their hand at owning their own businesses. Continue Reading
A financial reality check is in order: are you among the Blessed, the Steady, the Pretenders, the Self-Deceivers, the Discouraged …or the Phoenixes? Continue Reading
Financial stupidity visits every one of us at some point. So how do we best deal with it? Learn the lesson, forgive ourselves and let it go. Next! Continue Reading
Radical honesty, or always telling the whole truth, may be a tough pill to swallow. But what if we were just real honest with ourselves? Continue Reading
Molly Muniz takes you boating on America’s River, from spender to saver … indulger to investor … economically careless to economically free. Continue Reading
I feel like a mama pit bull watching over her readers’ wallets. And I need to share Perry Marshall’s post on the reality of doing business online. Continue Reading